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How to add several images to your album
How to add several images to your album
Marie-Laure avatar
Écrit par Marie-Laure
Updated over a week ago

Did you know that you can add several pictures at once to your album? Here is how to do it.  

From here: 

Or here: 

On Mac:

When you click on the button to add images, it opens your Finder.

Go to the folder that contains your pictures.

  • To select several contiguous files:

1 - Click on the first picture you want to add. 

2 - Then press and hold the Shift (⇧) key and click on the last file you want to select.

  • To select all the files of a folder: click on one file inside this folder and hit Command (⌘)-A

  • To select non-adjacent pictures in a folder: 

1 - Click on the first picture you want to add. 

2 - Then press and hold the Command (⌘) key and click on all the files you want to select.

Finally, click on the "Open" button of the Finder and the files will be added to your Tale.

On Windows:

When you click on the button to add images, it opens your File Explorer.

Go to the folder that contains your pictures.

  • To select several contiguous files:

1 - Click on the first picture you want to add. 

2 - Then press and hold the Shift (⇧) key and click on the last file you want to select.

  • To select all the files of a folder: click on one file inside this folder and hit Control (ctrl)-A

  • To select non-adjacent pictures in a folder: 

1 - Click on the first picture you want to add. 

2 - Then press and hold the Control (ctrl) key and click on all the files you want to select.

Finally, click on the "Open" button and the files will be added to your album.

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